Category Archives: Atlassian Together

Jira Work Management – Bridging the Gap between Technical and Business Teams

Jira Work Management - Bridging the Gap between Technical and Business Team - thumbnail

When non-technical teams jump on board the Jira solution for technical teams, they are confronted with features and terms that are aimed at technical requirements and only reflect the needs of business teams to a limited extent. But Jira Cloud is now also helping these teams: with Jira Work Management, all business teams can work on products in the Jira environment, turn ideas into projects and play their part in creating customer value. In this blog post, we would like to present the latest functions that Atlassian has recently delivered for Jira Work Management.

Remote Work and Distributed Teams: 4 Insights into the Future of Flexible Work

Remote Work and Distributed Teams: 4 Insights into the Future of Flexible Work - thumbnail

It has now been around three years since the pandemic fundamentally changed the world of work in many sectors and industries. And as it turns out, this trend towards greater flexibility is apparently here to stay. This is proven by the figures of the Atlassian report “State of Teams” from 2022: 22 percent of the surveyed teams work completely remotely, 35 percent work completely in the shared office again, 43 percent follow hybrid models. Around two-thirds of all teams have thus abandoned the traditional approach, with the high proportion of hybrid teams being particularly striking. This raises some interesting questions about the future of work, and “State of Teams” gives us some figures in this regard.

Atlassian Together – a Work Management Suite for the New World of Collaboration

Atlassian Together - a Work Management Suite for the New World of Collaboration - thumbnail

The world of work has changed and many companies are now organising themselves differently than before the pandemic, which has accelerated many developments – including the acceptance of distributed teams. The new product suite Atlassian Together steps up to support organisations in their transformation to an open, agile, transparent collaboration culture and to provide them with the appropriate toolset for modern collaboration in teams and across teams.